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Obert Skye 's Books

A very well recieved series by Obert Skye are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Choke, Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo, Geth and the Return of the Lithens, Lost & Found: Witherwood Reform School, The Lord of the Hat, Ambush, Mutant Bunny Island, Geeked Out, Katfish, Bigger, Badder, Nerdier, Witherwood Reform School, Wonkenstein, Batneezer: The Creature From My Closet, Potterwookiee, Pinocula, Geth and the Deception of Dreams, Magic Required, Mutant Bunny Island #3, Geeked Out--A Lame New World, Ambush: 3 (Pillagy), Leven Thumps: The Complete Series, Lord of the Hat, Batneezer, Geth and Return of the Lithens, Wizard for Hire, Mutant Bunny Island #2, which was published in 2022.